Lily Hibberd: „Displacement“

Title: Displacement – out of time
Abstract: Displacement is a 4-minute sound work based on two satellite datasets, spanning 1973 and 2016, which were merged in order to correlate shifting dispersions of water with the slowing rotation of the Earth. Converting this data into a musical score provides the acoustic means to grasp the correspondence of shifting dispersion of sea levels and their effect on time, which are causing each day to become fractionally longer to further increase ∆T. Displacement highlights the pivotal role of universal time and its regulation as a practical tool in the colonisation of Australia. The work examines the gap between Eurocentric and colonial premises, as well as advances in technological determination, and the reality that many challenges lie ahead for timekeeping – and outdated and empirical systems need to be reimagined.
Duration: 3:54
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