Pawel Wargan

Pawel Wargan is the founder and Campaign Coordinator for the Green New Deal for Europe, a member of the Democracy in Europe Movement’s (DiEM25) Coordinating Collective and a Coordinator at the Progressive International.
The Green New Deal Is About Power
The European Commission’s Green Deal is history’s most ambitious exercise in greenwashing — it falls far below what the Commission itself says is necessary to achieve a just transition, and it fails to address Europe's legacy of extraction and plunder across the global south. To win this fight — in Europe and abroad — activists need to shift from a mode of reaction to a mode of invention, developing concrete political demands and strategies to achieve them.
All Speakers
- Refik Anadol
- Thorsten Bauer
- Prof. Stefanie Betz
- Prof. Ina Conradi Chavez
- Mark Chavez
- Florian Dohmann
- Dan Haab
- Dr. Lily Hibberd
- Prof. Jeroen van den Hoven
- Professor J. Stephen Lansing
- Mathew Lawrence
- Prof. Jason Edward Lewis
- Roman Lipski
- Dr. Sebastian Meier
- Prof. Galina Mihaleva
- Dave Murray-Rust
- Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Jivka Ovtcharova
- Gülsel Özkan
- Dr. phil. Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Parodi
- Ludger Pfanz
- Thea Riofrancos
- Dr. Matthias Röder
- Seda Röder
- Prof. David Rolnick
- Prof. Rasa Smite
- Dr. Christoph Schneider
- Dr. Markus Schmidt
- Kathleen Schröter
- Prof. Vibeke Sorensen
- Holger Volland
- Prof. Victoria Vesna
- Prof. Charles Wang
- Yulu Wang
- Daniel Walther
- Prof. Dr. Steffen P. Walz
- Pawel Wargan
- Elizabeth Wathuti
- Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-Eibl
- Wang Zhigang PH.D
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